God wants us to love people unconditionally… to serve them, to help them, to pray for them, to show compassion to them in tangible ways. And in doing so we will show forth the love and grace of our God to a lost and dying world. But, all the love and service in the world can’t save a person. There has to be a point where someone opens their mouth and tells people the truth about sin, eternity, Christ’s love and the saving grace that’s only found in Jesus Christ.
One of the most important and fulfilling parts of being a follower of Christ is leading someone to receive salvation and start a relationship with the Lord. Here’s how…
1. Take action as the Spirit prompts you
How do you know if God is prompting you? Two things you need to know in that moment when you think God might be speaking:
- If it’s a good thing, do it.
- It will either be a ‘God thing’ or a ‘godly thing’.
The only way you will ever learn to hear God’s voice is to step out in faith to obey what you think might be Him. When you step out and it’s amazingly awesome and timely you can know that it was God prompting you and you’ll start recognizing his voice. If it’s not God, you still haven’t messed up by acting godly towards someone. You can’t miss.
2. Tell people your story
If you are a follower of Christ you have a great story. Three simple components of your God story.
- How life was before Christ
- How you found hope in Christ
- How life is different now that Christ is in your life
3. Lead them to Christ
Here are four scripture references you can walk through with the person.
- All have sinned (Rom. 3:23)
- Wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23)
- Jesus took our place (John 3:16)
- Confess your sin (1 John 1:9)
Lead them through the sinner’s prayer:
Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.”
This is the greatest news you could ever give someone. Jesus Christ died for their sins and he will forgive them of every wrong they’ve ever done. And they can have peace in their souls that they are right with God and that they will be in heaven with the Lord for eternity.