So much to say, so I’m going to say it in 3 points… (much like a good preacher’s sermon should be… lol!).
I’m titling this post…”Moving Day”
First of all, I’ve got to give the Lord the glory for what He did in our service at Hope Assembly Church on October 19th. The Spirit of God was so powerful that halfway through the service, I felt impressed by the Lord to have all the sound and lights in the sanctuary shut down (you know, the “fluff”), and from there, we worshiped The Lord in a very basic, stripped-down setting; no mics, no anything! It was so anointed and awesome!!! We sang a-capella songs like, “Let Him Breathe On Me,” “Oh, How I Love Jesus,” “He Touched Me,” “Heart of Worship,” and many others; and I’m telling you, the Holy Spirit moved in a way I hadn’t seen in a long time. When we turned everything off, I believe The Lord was showing all of us that we need to depend less on the “stuff” to move us and depend a whole lot more on Him! The great sounding worship, cool lighting, padded seats, quality sound, perfect room temperature, and state-of-the-art media equipment, should never be the driving force that leads us into the presence of God. I have no problem using these things (because we do and will continue to); however, if these things become the primary driving force that takes us into “The Presence of God” each week, then frankly, we’re missing it!
In fact, here’s a good question for all churches…
Is your congregation set up in way that if the sound was taken away, or the instruments were taken away, or the building was taken away, would you still exist as a healthy, well-rounded church? If not, maybe it’s time to prepare it in such a way.
“Signs shall follow all those that believe”
On another note, the Lord began healing people in the altars during this service. And as far as I know, we had 4 confirmed healings of back problems. Praise the Lord!
Tammy and I would like to thank everyone for the great Pastor’s Appreciation presentation and offering yesterday. We love and appreciate all of you too. There really is no better place we’d rather be right now than with the people of Hope Assembly Church in Fayetteville! You have truly become part of our family!
On October 19th, we celebrated the home-going of Robert Clark to his new home in Heaven. In the funeral service I said that Robert was “a man of God,” and I meant it. He loved the Lord with all his heart and I have no doubt that He’s in Heaven worshiping at the Throne of God right now! Robert was a interior trim carpenter by trade, and I’m sure even now, he’s working a deal with God to remodel the throne room of Heaven! At Hope Assembly Church, where Robert was a member and board member for many years, he had a part in building many of the fixtures and things around the facilities: things like the beautiful sound booth in the back of the sanctuary, the cross that hangs behind the podium, and he even built the altars that are still situated in the front of the sanctuary. In fact, these are the exact same altars that were right in the center of the move of God in this service. The day truly had made a full-circle back into itself. We love and will miss our dear brother Robert! In fact, the song at his funeral said, “Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was changed.” Even in this service and after church at his funeral, Robert’s contribution helped in changing the lives of those who came to those altars. Thank you Robert Clark for giving to the Lord!