Girl’s Ministries Club is a Bible-based program for girls K – 5th grade. The program is focused on winning girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. We provide an environment of support and accountability while helping girls to develop their gifts and abilities. In addition, girls build lifelong relationships with mentors who encourage girls to be spiritual leaders.
Daisies – Kindergarden
Daisies learn to make life applications from the Bible stories and principles they learn. Daisies earn colorful badges as they complete requirements for the achievement program.
Prims – 1st – 2nd Grade
Prims learn Biblical principles through life-application stories and earn colorful badges for the achievement program.
Stars – 3rd – 5th grade
Girls make their way up the Stairway of the Stars achievement program as they complete units in the four worlds: The World of Truth (basic Christian doctrine), The World Around You (missions), The World About You (activities), and The World Within You (character development). Memorization, projects, and Bible reading are all a part of completing the achievement program as an Honor Star.