The Time Is Now
Jesus said, “Open your eyes and look, for the fields are white for harvest now.” (John 4:35) “Pray ye that the Lord of the harvest would send forth labourers into His field.” (Matthew 9:38)
What are we waiting for? The time is now to step out of our comfort zone. Step outside of our box or bubble we have built up, forget being complacent anymore. That’s what God is calling this church to do, break forth from tradition, what we are so used to doing in our everyday life; just being comfortable. Tradition will not get us through. (2 Timothy 1:9) tells us we have a Holy calling. Not according to our works, but to His own Purpose and Grace. (Romans 8:28) says we are Called according to His purpose. (This is His purpose and not our purpose.)
The time is now to stop limiting God to what He can and wants to do in our lives. The you that You know and the You that God knows are two different people. All we have to do is see our calling and except it, then lay the things down of this world that we think are so important.
That is what Jesus wants us to do. Things of this world are only getting worse. People need Jesus now more than ever. That answer is, “The same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus our Lord, our Savior, My God.
Malachi told us some 2,024 years ago that just prior to the coming of the Lord that, “the Sun of righteousness would arise with healing in His wings.” (Malachi 4:2) The question is are we awake, are we slumber some with the luxuries of everyday life, cumbersome and content with what we have? The question is, are you looking for a, “city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God almighty.” (Hebrews 11:10)
I can tell you this now; the answer is the same as it has been since the beginning of time, Jesus Christ. We have been commissioned by God to go reap this harvest. (Mark 16:15) “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” That means Preach Jesus; Jesus Saves, Jesus Heals, Jesus Baptizes in the Holy Ghost and Jesus is coming again.
Maybe you feel inadequate to live up to that calling, but with God behind you and being a willing vessel, great and mighty things will take place. Just think about Joseph, David, or Daniel. God throughout the Bible will take people and use them from all walks of life that are ordinary to do extraordinary events in the history of the Bible. Whatever may be holding you back, if you will surrender it all, lay it down at the Altar, be a willing vessel, God can use you mightily.
The time is now for us as a whole to rise up. See another Great Awakening in America. (Haggai 2:7) tells us we can shake the nations, and the desires of all nations shall come: and the glory of the Lord will fill this house. It is time to allow God to launch us out into the deep for the fields are white for harvest.